2015 Gathering

The 44th annual rainbow gathering of the tribes is happening in the Black Hills of South Dakota." (The consensed areas include Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, and South Dakota.) For posts related to the gathering location including directions and site updates, click here. For the Howdy Folks, click here. To find out specifically where the gathering will be, you need to understand how we find our "home" each year. Click here for an overview of the process. To make it into the gathering without a ticket, click here. Please ignore all rumors of cancellation. Copy and distribute this information freely.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Rumors, Speculations, and Innuendo

It's that time of year folks.  The time when people are getting antsy to know where home will be this year.  Some years we have an easy consensus to plan for such as in 2011 when all we knew was that home was somewhere in the State of Washington. With two thousand miles or more between South Dakota and Maine, planning is a bit harder - but that makes it all the more of a journey.

People are bickering in on-line forums, rumors are swirling about the infosphere like flies on shit. The energy seems so negative that you are probably wondering why you are even involved with this crazy trip.

"The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made, and the activity of making them, changes both the maker and the destination."
~ John Schaar

If you understand John Schaar's words, then you'll understand how your journey to the gathering may unfold.

However, while you're waiting, you can be preparing. To prepare for getting into the gathering without a pesky mandatory court appearance ticket, click here.

If you're vehicle is in top notch shape, then how about gathering supplies to bring to the gathering? For info on how the food movie works and to help out, click here.

For info on how the medical movie works and to help out, click here

Or plan a workshop that you'll give at the gathering, collect art supplies for an art camp, start collecting food grade 5 gallon buckets, or make hand painted signs or banners with the raps on them (click here for some of the raps).

Rather than succumb to behavior you wouldn't tolerate in your third grader, be one of the folks creating the path to the future. The rewards are so much greater.


  1. Awww, wise Karin, your words are golden. See you home, wherever it is!

  2. Now is not the time to panic - or spread rumors. Everything is as it should be and always will be. Keep the faith!!

  3. I myself have a LOT of personal freedom due to lack of responsibility. However, this is not the case for many. in my opinion, we could be narrowing it down a little quicker, giving more of a chance to ALL of our brothers and sisters who want to come to be able to plan things out and make it work. However, I'm tapping away on an iPad while others scout the forests, so I remain appreciative. I just understand the frustration, even though it is now my own.
    P.S. Frustration is not an excuse for immaturity.

  4. Right on, Mike! Frustration is not an excuse for immaturity!!!!!!!

  5. Would someone be kind enough to get me in touch with or point me in the direction of those forming seed camp? I've come Home a few times and would like to be more involved now that I've gotten a feel for it. I got kitchen/knife skillz, basic first aid, knowledge of the plant people (although one can never learn enough about those amazing folks!), and a whole lot of love, determination and resourcefulness to share! Also, if there is anyone in Florida (I'm near Tampa area) or along the way going for seed camp I'd love to travel with family, I'm otherwise on foot.
    Namaste with peace and <3 love <3

    1. Read http://midwestornewenglandgathering2015.blogspot.com/2014/07/where-will-gathering-be.html for an explanation of the process by which seed camp is started.

  6. letts go to vt kids its time fore a new England gathering .!!!


Please keep your comments to the point. Any comments advocating violence, sexism or racism will not be published. You don't have to agree with me, but you can't cuss me or anyone else out either. As of 6/11/15 I'm not sure how I will be publishing comments. Too many people just submitting the same comment over and over again and I'm overwhelmed by trying to sort this out. So feel free to comment, but understand I may not be approving all comments.