Wednesday, June 17, 2015

How Gathering Councils/Counsels Work

It's been brought to my attention that some folks showed up at spring council today and didn't understand the process or how to participate.  Please distribute this widely as we want all peaceful people to participate in this council no matter if their perspective.

The process goes something like this (each time we circle up things are slightly different).

Around noonish, high noonish folks start to circle up in the previously agreed upon council location.  We often hold hands and Om before starting. Sometimes someone says a blessing.

Then usually people sit down either on the ground or in chairs if they brought a chair (no chairs are provided).  Usually then we pass a feather, stick, shell or rock around the circle. The person holding the object has the floor. When that person is done speaking, the object is passed to the left to the next person.

People come and go during councils all the time which can be frustrating when someone shows up who missed the last two hours of discussions gets the object and revisits a subject that was closed. That being said, if you arrive after the council has started, sit down at least 1/4 of the way around the circle to the left of the current speaker.  The circle will expand as more people arrive and shrink as people leave.

Every person in the circle represents her/his opinion only. This is direct democracy with each person present at the council having an equal say to share their perspective and try to get others on-board with their perspective. Our councils are long and often take a winding path from point A to point B. Patience is a virtue.

For some more thoughts on how council/counsel works, please read the Council Mini Manual.

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Please keep your comments to the point. Any comments advocating violence, sexism or racism will not be published. You don't have to agree with me, but you can't cuss me or anyone else out either. As of 6/11/15 I'm not sure how I will be publishing comments. Too many people just submitting the same comment over and over again and I'm overwhelmed by trying to sort this out. So feel free to comment, but understand I may not be approving all comments.